The rest of the wool I ordered had arrived when I got in from work I can start on the stripey bits (the front and back) as they’ll take the longest.
So here’s a few photos of the sleeve...
And here's the finished piece...
There’s a lot of fluff stuck to it which makes it look a little messy, might have to take a roll of sticky tape to it!
I ordered all the threads and the aida for another project today too, I found a super awesome cross stitch pattern which I’ll be using to make a wedding present... though I have 3 weddings coming up so who knows who it’s for!... well I do, but I won’t be giving it away, obviously! Does mean that I can’t really blog it though. I might do some sneaky peak photos though then post all the progress snaps when it’s all finished.
I ordered all the threads and the aida for another project today too, I found a super awesome cross stitch pattern which I’ll be using to make a wedding present... though I have 3 weddings coming up so who knows who it’s for!... well I do, but I won’t be giving it away, obviously! Does mean that I can’t really blog it though. I might do some sneaky peak photos though then post all the progress snaps when it’s all finished.
Still waiting for my Print Gocco to arrive too, and not even sure whether it’s getting delivered to my London address or back home in Durham!
So this weekends plan...
*Start on another piece of the jumper, can't decide whether to just get the other sleeve done or to start on a stripey bit.
*Buy some more pins for all these pieces of jumper!
*and if all the stuff for my top secret-wedding-craft project arrives tomorrow then I may be unable to resist starting that too!
I demand more jumper-action!! :P